A Pathway into the Psalter: The Psalms - Their History, Teachings and Use (Binnie)
This book is divided into three sections.
The first deals with the historical development of the book, from the time of Moses (Psalm 90) down to the post-exilic period.
The second section deals with the teachings, or as we would more likely say today the theology, of the Psalms. This includes very helpful treatments of the various ways in which the Messiah is set forth in the Psalms, as well as personal and social religion in the Psalms. In addition, Binnie treats the issue of the imprecatory Psalms in a useful manner.
The final section traces the history of the use of the Psalms in both the Jewish and the Christian church.
Table of Contents:
Book I: History and Poetical Structure of the Psalms
I. Introduction
II. David the Psalmist of Israel
II. David’s Psalms
IV. David’s Ordinances for the Service of Song
V. Psalmody Under Solomon and the Later Kings
VI. The Psalmists of the Captivity and the Return
VII. The Psalter as a Whole, with Its Five Books
VIII. The Poetical Structure of the Psalms
Book II: The Theology of the Psalms
Christ in the Psalms
I. Predictions Respecting our Lord in the Psalms
II. A Classification of the Messianic Psalms
III. The Christology of the Psalms
Personal Religion in the Psalms
IV. God and the Soul
V. The Progress of Religion in the Soul
VI. The Doctrine of the Future Life
VII. The Imprecations
Social Religion in the Psalms
VIII. The Church, or Israel of God
IX. The Future Glories of the Church
X. The Family and the Commonwealth
Holy Scripture in the Psalms
XI. The Law of the Lord
Book III: Notices Regarding the Use of the Psalms in the Church
I. The Use of the Psalms Under the Old Testament
II. The Use of the Psalms in the Christian Church
III. Testimonies to the Estimation in which the Psalms Have Been Held
"A highly valuable work. It is not an exposition, but can readily be used as such, for it possesses a good index to the passages treated. Dr. Binnie reviews with great skill and intense devotion the various sacred poems contained in the Book of Psalms, and gives the general run and character of each one. His work is unlike any other, and supplies a great desideratum." - C.H. Spurgeon, from 'Commenting & Commentaries'
"On every page the book bears the marks of much thought, of extensive reading, and of accurate scholarship. The style is easy, quiet, and graceful, yet forcible enough when there is occasion. The three chapters on the Messianic Psalms would alone have formed a valuable contribution to theological literature." - Aberdeen Free Press