Barrett, Matthew Proclaiming the Triune God: The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Life of the Church (Barrett) $19.00 $25.99
Smith, Brandon D. The Biblical Trinity: Encountering the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Scripture (Smith) $20.00 $22.99
Poythress, Vern S. Making Sense of the World: How the Trinity Helps to Explain Reality (Poythress) $24.00 $34.99
Packer, J.I. Knowing God Devotional Journal - A One Year Guide, 50th Anniversary Edition $20.00 $25.00
Friendship with God: A Path to Deeper Fellowship with the Father, Son, and Spirit (McKinley) $15.50 $19.99
Out of stock Irresistible Beauty: Beholding the Triune God in the Face of Jesus Christ (Parkison) $16.50 $19.99 Out of stock
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Heidegger, Johann Heinrich EBOOK Concise Marrow of Theology - Classic Reformed Theology Series (Heidegger) $20.00 $40.00
Vidu, Adonis The Same God Who Works All Things: Inseparable Operations in Trinitarian Theology (Vidu) $40.00 $53.99
Van Mastricht, Petrus EBOOK Theoretical-Practical Theology, Vol. 2: Faith in the Triune God (van Mastricht) $25.00 $50.00
Letham, Robert The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship -Revised and Expanded (Letham) $21.00 $30.00
Sale Heidegger, Johann Heinrich Concise Marrow of Theology - Classic Reformed Theology Series (Heidegger) $20.00 $40.00
Van Mastricht, Petrus Theoretical-Practical Theology, Volume 2: Faith in the Triune God (van Mastricht) $37.50 $50.00
Crowe, Brandon, & Trueman, Carl The Essential Trinity: New Testament Foundations and Practical Relevance (Crowe & Trueman) $15.00 $19.99
Clarkson, David The God Who Answers Prayer: The Work of the Father, Son, and Spirit in Prayer (Clarkson) $9.00 $10.00
Sale McGraw, Ryan M. Is the Trinity Practical? - Cultivating Biblical Godliness Series (McGraw) $1.25 $4.00
Beeke, Joel R. EBOOK How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer? - Cultivating Biblical Godliness Series - EBOOK (Beeke) $2.00 $4.00
McGraw, Ryan M. EBOOK Is the Trinity Practical? - Cultivating Biblical Godliness Series (McGraw) $2.00 $4.00