Sale Leahy, Frederick S. Victory of the Lamb: Christ's Triumph over Sin, Death and Satan (Leahy) $6.00 $9.00
Flavel, John The Fountain of Life: A Display of Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory (Flavel) $16.50 $20.00
Sale VanDoodewaard, William EBOOK The Marrow Controversy and Seceder Tradition: Atonement, Saving Faith, and the Gospel Offer in Scotland (1718-1799) - EBOOK (VanDoodewaard) $18.75 $25.00
Gibson, David & Jonathan (eds.) From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective (Gibson) $35.00 $54.99
Sale Bonar, Horatius & Ryle, J.C. Absolutely Basic: The Everlasting righteousness & Regeneration (Bonar & Ryle) $7.00 $9.99
Kuiper, R.B. For Whom Did Christ Die?: A Study of the Divine Design of the Atonement (Kuiper) $18.50 $19.00