Jay, William
Out of print Tentmaker edition
Dr. Breckinridge’s book will take its place by the side of the works of the greatest masters, and none will feel that they are dishonoured by the company of the newcomer. It has peculiar merits. It is strictly an original work—the product of the author’s own thoughts, the offspring of his own mind. He has studied and digested much form the labours of others, but has borrowed nothing…. The plan, too, adapts it to general use. The humblest Christian can read it with almost as much profit as the minister. It is pure, unmixed Gospel, presented in a form at once suited to edify and instruct…. The author’s soul is always on fire. He knows God only to love Him, and he seems to feel that he has taught nothing until he has kindled the same flame in the minds of his pupils. Review of the first part by James Henley Thornwell.