Nichols, Heidi L.
Thomas Manton (1620–77) was an influential Puritan preacher and an important figure in English Society.
This book has two aims, to introduce readers in an engaging manner to Manton and, through this pivotal figure, to provide an introduction to the movement known as “Puritanism,” concisely addressing its historical, social, and political contexts.
Table of Contents:
Part One. Manton in Context: A Seventeenth-Century English Preacher
1. The Servitor from Somerset, 1620-40
2. The London Presbyterian, 1640-56
3. The King of Preachers, 1656-77
Part Two. Manton as Biblical Interpreter: His Commentary on James
4. Manton and the Reformers on James 1:1: Jostling James into the Canon
5. Manton and the Puritans on James 2:14-26: Saving the Strawy Epistle
6. Manton and the Anglicans on James 5:14-16: Settling the Sacraments
Part Three. Manton as Public Preacher: Selected Sermons
7. Manton as Minister: Learning How to Meditate
8. Manton as Public Figure: Living as a Christian Citizen
9. Manton as Preacher: Learning about Jesus and His Call to Denial
Appendices. Continuing the Journey: Manton’s Legacy and Works
Appendix A. Manton’s Legacy: Puritan, Preacher, Public Theologian
Appendix B. Manton’s Works: A Guide for Future Reading
Derek Cooper (Ph.D., Lutheran Seminary, M.A., M.Div. Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield, PA) is Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield, PA, where he is also the Director of the LEAD Master of Divinity Program. He is the author of So You’re Thinking about Going to Seminary? and a volume editor in the forthcoming Reformation Commentary on Scripture.
"Once a shining star in the Puritan firmament, long-forgotten Thomas Manton fully deserves the renewed appreciation that he receives here." - J.I. Packer, Regent College
"This delightful and well-written book will surely be a springboard for any who want to grapple with Manton proper." - Carl R. Trueman, Westminster Theological Seminary
"Derek Cooper has done the church a great service by making Manton's life and work accessible." - Daniel R. Hyde, Oceasnside United Reformed Church