Duncan, J. Ligon III
The Westminster Confession is a worldwide foundational document. Churches of all sizes claim it as their confession, and hold to it with varying degrees of closeness. However, countless officeholders will have vowed to abide by it with only the most perfunctory of understanding of its relevance. Ligon Duncan has assembled an impressive array of contributors from a variety of ecclesiastical backgrounds. The aim is simple - to enable the 21st Century to understand the confession more fully, and so bring about the same kind of rugged, vigorous, intelligent and self-sacrificing Christianity that was the result of its initial publication. The topics covered include: - Westminster Spirituality; Westminster and the Regulative Principle; Old Princeton Seminary and the Westminster Standards; The Influence of the Westminster Confession of Faith on the Korean Presbyterian Church; The Eschatology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Assembly.
"Derek Thomas has written a most interesting study of the eschatology of the Westminster Confession of Faith and Assembly. This volume will be of value to all with a serious interest in the work of the Westminster Assembly." - David McKay, Professor of Systematic Theology, Ethics and Apologetics, Reformed Theological College, Belfast, Northern Ireland
"If the historic confessions are to be preserved for the future, it will take the kind of sympathetic historic description and effective doctrinal argumentation displayed in this book.." - Mark A. Noll, Francis A. McAnaney Professor of History, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana
"...a most worthy undertaking and one that is quite timely not only because of the anniversary of the Assembly but also because of the need in Presbyterian and Reformed circles for scholarly work on the Reformed tradition and its confessions." - Richard A. Muller, P. J. Zondervan Professor of Historical Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
J. Ligon Duncan III, Editor (born 1960) is a Reformed theologian, professor, author, and minister of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). He is currently the senior minister of historic First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi.