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The Man in the Gap (Jefferies)

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Shepherd Press

The inspiring and informative biography of Martin Holdt, a pastor whose life touched many people, and with remarkable outcomes.

Martin Holdt exercised a ministry in Southern Africa and beyond from the 1960s through the early 2000s. A godly and influential man, his life was marked by prayer and faithfulness to the call to be a pastor as well as being a visionary for planting and establishing God-centered, Bible based churches, and with a vision for worldwide mission.

Includes a postscript appendix by Erroll Hulse.



Rex Allen Jefferies was born in Johannesburg. He qualified as a teacher and commenced his teaching career in 1972. He was subsequently stationed in various parts of Southern Africa. At one of the schools where he taught he met his wife to be, Esta Naudé. The Lord graciously saved Rex in the mid 1980s. Rex and Esta joined Martin Holdt at the Afrikaans Baptist Seminary early in 2008. They retired from the Seminarium at the end of 2016. They have four married children, graciously saved and married to Christians, and are blessed with fifteen grandchildren.



“…I love good biographies of godly men. They are so stimulating, convicting, edifying, moving, challenging, and alluring. This is one of those biographies. It is a ‘must read’ book—one that is so true to a godly pastor who lived, by God’s grace, wholly for Christ and out of love for the souls of people.” —Joel R. Beeke

“This book stirred my heart; I pray that our Lord will give it a wide audience and ministry and his legacy a lasting impact.” —Francois Carr

“We have here the wonderful biography of a wonderful man. I give it five ‘I’s’—interesting, informative, instructive, insightful, and inspiring.” —Roger Ellsworth

“I am very grateful for the publication of this biography.” —Geoff Thomas