Johnson, Terry L.
The Imputation of Adam's Sin (Murray)
The classic work by John Murray studies the various interpretations of Romans 5:12-19, examining the syntactical construction, the sin contemplated, the union involved, the nature of the imputation, and the sin imputed. He surveys Pelagian, Roman Catholic, Calvinistic, and classic Protestant interpretations of this passage.
Table of Contents:
1. Syntactical Construction
2. The Sin Contemplated
The Pelagian View
The Roman Catholic View
Calvin’s Interpretation
The Classic Protestant Interpretation
3. The Union Involved
The Realistic View
The Representative View
4. The Nature of The Imputation
Mediate Imputation
Immediate Imputation
5. The Sin Imputed
Professor John Murray (1898-1975) was recognized in his own lifetime as one of the leading Reformed theologians in the English-speaking world. He spent most of his distinguished career teaching systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. A careful scholar, an eloquent lecturer, a moving preacher, and the author of many outstanding articles and books, Murray’s driving passions were to declare Christ’s Word, advance his cause, and bless his people.