The Erroll Hulse Collection, 5 Vols.
Did I save myself or did God save me--or was it a bit of both? For centuries, this question has been asked, considered, and debated the world over, and it is of critical importance that we get the answers right. Here, Erroll Hulse carefully and helpfully examines the history of the defining events and debates surrounding these questions in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. With his typical passion, he unpacks for us the practical implications and challenges of the doctrines of grace, and shows us how an appreciation of God's sovereign and free grace can change the very nature of our faith and infuse ourlives with humility, worship, joy, and compassion.
Today the church is weak and struggling. Even though she has advanced into more places and nations than ever before, she faces defeat in many ways and is often inept, divided and feeble. Nothing less than the powerful work of the Holy Spirit on a massive scale will meet the desperate spiritual poverty of our age. Only heaven-sent revival can reverse the situation and turn the tide of defeat into victory.
This book is an urgent call to prayer that God would send again in our day true revival and powerful spiritual awakening on a worldwide scale. The author shows from Scripture and from the history of the church through the ages, right up to the present day, how closely revival is linked to the prayers of God's people. He urges churches and individuals to unite together regularly and to earnestly seek God and to 'give him no rest' until he pours out his blessing on his church and makes her 'the praise of the earth', as foretold by Isaiah.
The Doctrine and Practice of Holiness
There is a very real danger that Christians can fall into extremes when considering holiness. Some so emphasize the sovereign grace of God that they neglect the quest for holiness. Others believe that perfection can be attained in this life, but they burn out in the attempt to achieve it.
Erroll Hulse approached this subject as an experienced pastor. He shows that the whole Bible teaches a consistent and practical message about holiness. He explains God's design for sanctification, and how he provides every practical means to that end. He also highlights some of the best and most helpful teaching of some of the leading figures in church history. he gives many practical applications for the modern reader.
Reading this book will equip the Christian believer to understand the relationship between justification and sanctification, and to live a life of love to God and of fruitful service to others.
Introduction to the Puritans is a wonderful overview of the Puritan movement in the 1600s that has given the English-speaking world its richest depository of theological writings, with practical applications in every area of life. Part One helps us to understand the fascinating history as the British monarchy took some unpredictable turns and various factions literally fought for control of Britain’s religious life. Part Two ably illucidates the lives of the Puritans with brief summaries of 20+ Puritan leaders. These were real men whose contributions came at great personal cost to themselves and their families. Part Three shows us the importance of the Puritan legacy as it applies to important doctrinal and practical issues of our day. All Christians will benefit from knowing the Puritans. The book you hold in your hands affords an excellent place to start.
Erroll Hulse presents a clear Biblical model of what a pastor is—the qualities of the pastor are determined and a distinction made between pastor and elders. He shows, from the time of the Reformation to the present day, how that Biblical model is brought to life. This is a book that pastors and elders should read—but it also gives guidance and help to any church member, as eight biographical sketches are used; the first two from the Bible and the others from church history.