Gale, Stanley D.
The Apostles' Creed is an ancient statement of belief that captures the heart of Christianity. It serves as a syllabus of basic biblical teaching for being rooted and built up in Christ and established in the faith.
This workbook is a tool for discipleship. It explores the Apostles' Creed, by serving as a study guide for The Christian's Creed: Embracing the Apostolic Faith (Reformation Heritage Books) and by responding to the God of the Creed for such a great salvation.
Chapter One—A Stand of Faith
Chapter Two—The God
Chapter Three—Father and Maker
Chapter Four—Jesus the Christ
Chapter Five—Born, Bled, and Buried
Chapter Six—Risen, Reigning, Returning
Chapter Seven—The Holy Spirit
Chapter Eight—The Church
Chapter Nine—The Forgiveness of Sins
Chapter Ten—Resurrection to Life Everlasting
Stanley D. Gale (MEd, MDiv, DMin) has served Christ and congregation for over thirty years. He is the author of a number of books on Christian living, including A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ and Finding Forgiveness: Discovering the Healing Power of the Gospel. He lives in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
“Stan Gale’s goal in The Christian’s Creed is to provide a simple expression of faith that people can recite with conviction in plain, biblical language. He succeeds admirably in a book that is wise, clear, and pastoral. The exposition of the Creed is grounded in Scripture and is theologically rich. With winsome illustrations from various walks of life, it will be edifying for believers and winsome for seekers.”
—Dan Doriani, professor of theology, Covenant Seminary
“These are the words of a seasoned minister who knows personally and pastorally the enduring value of this historic creed. Stan delivers crisp and insightful theological exposition, yet his warm, witty, and colorful prose will keep you glued to your seat. And then, whether young catechumen or seasoned saint, you will leap to your feet to confess your faith more passionately than ever before. Routine will give way to robust proclamation!”
—David B. Garner, associate professor of systematic theology and vice president for advancement, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia
“As Stan Gale explains, the Apostles’ Creed gives us a form and framework for declaring and growing in our faith. This ancient standard, familiar to many Christians yet unknown by most, holds the key to a right focus in worship and an expansive walk in the life of faith. Like a docent in an art museum, Stan walks us point by point through the rich textures and spiritual colors of the Creed, expanding on each phrase with sound biblical instruction and typical ‘Gale-ic’ illustrations from everyday life. Read this book, then read it again reflectively. Not only will you understand the Creed as never before but you’ll find your worship of God greatly enhanced and illuminated and your walk with Jesus more a source of confidence and joy than you’ve ever known.”
—T. M. Moore, author and principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe
“Pastor Stan Gale has given us a study of the Apostles’ Creed that is set in the world in which most of us live. He has done a real service to the church by expounding this most basic of all statements of Christian belief. Expect some fresh insights and ample scriptural support for this essential tool of Christian discipleship.”
—Stephen Smallman, author of Understanding the Faith