The Bible: God's Inerrant Word - First Edition (Thomas)
It is the most precious book the world has ever known; yet it is undervalued. It is the most instructive book ever written; yet we can never know it well enough. This mini-guide to the Bible provides an entry point for those who know little about the ‘Book of books’; but it does so in such a way as to encourage those who know it better to explore it more fully.
Each title in this Banner Mini-Guides series will provide an outline of the Bible’s teaching on a particular subject. They will open up a key verse or portion of Scripture for study, while not neglecting other passages related to the theme under consideration, The goal is to whet your appetite and to encourage you to explore the subject in more detail: hence the suggestions for further reading which appear after the final chapter. However, the mini-guide will provide enough information to enlarge your understanding of the theme.
Originally from Wales, Derek Thomas is Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina, and the Robert Strong Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta, Georgia.