Rutherford, Samuel
A man may be known by the company he keeps. Here, Faith Cook introduces us to Samuel Rutherford’s friends, who are called on to give us a fresh look at the man who has long been held in such high affection by Christian people around the world.
The days in which Samuel Rutherford (c.1600-1661) lived were ones in which ‘a man must sin or suffer’, and most of Rutherford’s friends chose the latter course. Two were martyred, two exiled and all paid a high price for allegiance to the truth.
The primary aim of these short biographies is to cast light on Rutherford’s genius as a faithful counsellor and spiritual guide. We are introduced to the depth and beauty of his Letters and brought to share in the wisdom and consolation of his pastoral ministry.
Table of Contents:
Faith Cook, daughter of Stanley and Norah Rowe, missionaries of the China Inland Mission (now OMF), was born in north-west China. After missionaries were evicted from the country in 1951, she returned to the UK and attended Clarendon School in North Wales before proceeding to teacher training college in Bromley, Kent. She married Paul Cook in 1961, and they served several evangelical churches in the Midlands and Yorkshire before his retirement. They have a daughter, four sons and ten grandchildren, and now live in Breaston, Derbyshire.