Helms, Selah & Kahler, Susan
A Concise, Verse-by-Verse Commentary on the Book of Romans, Perfect for Individual or Group Study
Martin Luther called the book of Romans the “chief part of the New Testament” and “the purest gospel.” The apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans has had arguably the largest influence on believers throughout church history. Paul systematically and formally articulates the gospel of Jesus Christ—the righteousness God gives to sinful humans through faith.
Scholar and author Andrew David Naselli traces Paul’s argument for the gospel throughout this concise and accessible guide to the book of Romans. Designed to be read alongside the epistle itself, it provides accessible, standalone commentary unpacking the text verse by verse. This volume dives into the key themes of righteousness, peace, and God’s promises, accompanied by reflection questions on interpretation and application—perfect for individual or group study.
“Andy Naselli has given us a remarkably clear and faithful exposition of Romans by carefully tracing the argument of this great epistle. Don’t be misled by the size of this book. The truths unpacked in it are life changing and thrilling. How gratifying to see that the message of Romans is communicated in such an accessible way. I hope many will read and study this helpful work—an ideal book for home Bible studies, Sunday school, or personal study.”
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Cochair, CSB; author, Romans
“It’s only a slight exaggeration to say that if you understand Paul’s letter to the Romans you understand the Bible. Said otherwise, the person with no knowledge of the rich truths of Romans will necessarily have a weak understanding of the Christian faith. If you wish to know Romans better, and especially to understand it as a cohesive and coherent work of literature, you will benefit tremendously from this book. Andy Naselli is a skilled and trustworthy guide who will lead you deep into the greatest letter ever written. Through it, the Lord will inform your mind, shape your heart, and change your life.”
Tim Challies, author, Seasons of Sorrow
“Naselli’s book on Romans gives believers a brief and accessible overview of Paul’s great letter to the church in Rome. While written for a general audience, this book is rooted in a broad acquaintance with the many issues in recent interpretation of the letter.”
Douglas J. Moo, Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College; Chair, Committee on Bible Translation (NIV); author, The Epistle to the Romans
“Naselli’s work on Romans combines brevity and depth. If you are an individual in need of a tutor, this book will enrich your study. If you are leading a group through a study of Romans, this book will prove invaluable in its attentiveness to the text, its helpful visual aids, and the discussion questions provided at the end. It is rare to find a volume that is both meaty and succinct, while also leading its readers to worship God as they study. The epistle to the Romans contains the firmest of the firm foundations on which believers stand. Let Naselli ably lead you through its magnificent and life-changing truths.”
Abigail Dodds, author, (A)Typical Woman and Bread of Life