Reeves, Michael and Hames, Daniel
How do we become right with God? Michael Reeves warmly and clearly introduces what the Bible teaches about justification by faith alone. For anyone who does not know Christ or is lacking confidence in their salvation, the Bible has good news of comfort and joy.
“Lurking beneath the stresses and anxieties of modern life lie the age-old questions ‘Am I good enough?’ and ‘Have I done enough?’ They haunt some, drive others, and exhaust many into indifference or despair. In these pages—as readable as they are reliable—Michael Reeves exposes both the roots of our problem and the bankruptcy of our own answers to it. But then, simply and engagingly, he points us to the life-transforming resolution that is offered to us in the Christian gospel. Right with God is a short book with an eternity-long message.” —Sinclair B. Ferguson
“A small key can open a massive door that leads to freedom. This small treatise by Dr. Reeves, a very able writer, holds the key of God’s promise to justify the ungodly as a free gift through faith in Christ alone. May God use it to bring many to spiritual freedom. Buy copies of this easy-to-read, highly recommended book and pass them on to the unsaved, to the saved who are struggling for assurance, and to established believers to shore up their convictions.” —Joel R. Beeke