Stewart, Catherine J. ed.
There is no right 'type of pastor's wife, only the one whose heart is wholly set on serving Christ. In this book you will find the beauty of various personalities, character types, and giftedness interweaving the pages of these letters. We are not called to fit into a certain mold but to be help-meet to our husbands, help-meets who enable them to serve God more effectively with us at their side than they could alone.
Table of Contents:
Part 1: The Piety of the Pastor's Wife
1. Priorities: Putting First Things First - Catherine J. Stewart
2. Personal Devotions: The Heart before the Actions - Margy Tripp
3. Humility: The Only Way Up Is Down - Lynn Crotts
4. Tongue and Thumb: Guarding the Ways We Communicate
Part 2: Practical Counsel for Us All
5. Expectations: God-centered or Self-imposed - Donna Ascol
6. Hospitality: Fellowship or Entertainment? - Shirley Rankin
7. Friendships over the Long Haul: Our Need for Female Fellowship - Betty Jane Adams
8. Respecting My Husband: The Foundational Principles - Noelle Wilkerson
9. Sharing My Husband: With Whomever and Whenever - Joan Hamilton
10. Handeling Criticism: Two Approaches - Mary Beeke
11. Conflict within the Church: Keeping Your Heart Pure - Sue Rowe
12. Ministry Moms: Perspectives from a PK - Sarah Ascol
13. Depression: A Dark Valley - Mary Somerville
14. Loneliness and Bereavement: Common to All, Unique to Some - Shannon Baugh Onnink
15. The Lord's Day: A Hard Day's Rest - 'Sissy' Floyd Pipa
Part 3: Particular Circumstances
16. Habitual Sin in the Life of My Husband: Now What? - Janie Street
17. Ministering in a Different Culture: Aliens and Strangers - Pam Schweitzer
18. Campus Ministry: Life at the Crossroads - Kathy Wilcke
“At last, here is a much-needed guide for pastors’ wives penned by seasoned pastors’ wives! In preparing future pastors for ministry, my wife Mae and I have always sought to hold special teaching times for seminary wives in our home to address many of the issues that these women of God handle so well in this new P&R book. I believe this is now the standard text for seminary wives as well as those pastoral families—pastor and wife—who should set apart time to revisit the timeless themes. A few years ago, I wrote a song called ‘Thank God for the Pastor's Wife.’ After reading this book, I starting singing it again! I commend this wonderful collection of thoughtful and biblical essays to the church with joy and confidence!” — Michael A. Milton, fourth Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, author, singer-songwriter
"Letters to Pastors' Wives is an exceptional book written by seventeen different pastor's wives and one pastor's daughter. The letters are personal, warm, convicting, and engaging. The wives' use of Scripture shows not only each wife's maturity but also her love for the Lord and for her husband. I highly recommend this book to all women and especially to pastors' wives!" - Martha Peace, Biblical Counselor and Author of "The Excellent Wife"
"What a privilege to glean wisdom from these women who have served faithfully in the church and in the home as pastors' wife. I was challenged, encouraged, and refreshed by this insightful and helpful book." - Tirsha DeYoung, wife of Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor, University Reformed Church, East Lansing, Michigan