Reynolds, Adrian
Anyone who reads one of the four Gospels is bound to ask the question - What happened next? With Jesus Christ crucified, resurrected and ascended into Heaven we are left with a few men who not so long before scattered to the wind at the first sign of trouble. How did these men, with the help of the Holy Spirit, establish Christ's Church and begin spreading the Gospel? The book of Acts tells this story and this book will be a helpful introduction, giving you a good start in understanding the message it contains. Designed to accompany the more extensive Teaching Acts also by David Cook, this short book will not take long to read, but will be a great help to all those seeking to better understand the book of Acts.
David has recently retired from his role as Principal and Director of the School of Preaching at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC). He is now now involved in an itinerant preaching and teaching ministry, He is a Presbyterian minister and a graduate of SMBC and Moore Theological College. Prior to formal studies and pastoral ministry David worked in the Economic Research Department of the Reserve Bank. He has spoken at a number of Christian Conventions including Keswick. David is married to Maxine, and they have five adult children and eight grandchildren.