How to Overcome Evil: A Practical Exposition of Romans 12:14-21 (Adams)
Selfishness, anger, resentment, retaliation...
Too often we succumb to these reactions, without thinking, when people sin against us. Even when we realize this is not how we should respond to family members, neighbors, fellow believers, co-workers, or enemies, the question arises: how should we respond?
Jay Adams say there's a better way, as described by the apostle Paul in Romans 12:14-21 This practical exposition of that passage explores the nature of our warfare with evil and lays out the path to victory and peace.
Here is help for and insight into everyday conflicts for ordinary believers, church leaders, and counselors.
Table of Contents:
- Are You a Winner?
- You Can Be a Winner
- The Evil You Fight
- You Are in a War
- Battle Orders for Today
- Is Aggression Christian?
- The Weapons of Your Warfare
- Your Mouth Is a Problem
- How to Manage Your Mouth
- You Can't Fight Alone
- You Are Part of God's Army
- No Exceptions Allowed
- Plan with Finesse
- Make War, Make Peace
- Three Ways to be a Troublemaker
- Christian Vigilantes?
- Make Room for God!
- Meet Your Enemy's Need
- Pour on the Coals
- Epilogue
Jay E. Adams (PhD, University of Missouri) is known for his many books on counseling and frequent appearances at conferences on Christian living and counseling issues. He served for many years on the faculties of Westminster Theological Seminary and Westminster Seminary in California. He is currently the dean of the Institute for Nouthetic Studies, a distance-learning institution that provides international training in biblical counseling.