St. John, Patricia
Volume 2 of The Works of Oliver Heywood.
In this treatise on Matthew 12:35, Heywood describes the inward dispositions of the heart, and then shows how to cultivate them for godliness. He tells how to acquire Christian treasure, how to store it up in various thoughts, truths, graces, experiences, and comforts, and how to bring “forth good things our of the believer’s good treasure.”
Table of Contents:
Heart Treasure
1. The Introduction
2. On the Nature of a Treasure
3. On the Christian’s Treasure
4. On the laying out of Heart Treasure
5. On the great Necessity of laying up this Treasure
6. On Self-examination relative to this Treasure
7. Neglect of Heart Treasure reproved
8. Instructions fro the Destitute to obtain a Treasure of Good
9. Directions relative to good Thoughts
10. Truths which a Christian should treasure up
11. The Grace which a good Man should cherish and cultivate
12. Experiences which should be collected
13. Comforts, as a Treasure, should be laid up in the Heart
14. On the Preservation and Increase of a Christian’s Treasure
15. Directions for bringing forth good Things out of the Believer’s good Treasure
16. The Excellency and Advantage of having a Treasure in the Heart
17. Some Objections answered, and Exhortations urged
Appendix: Concerning Meditation, with some Helps to furnish the Thoughts with suitable and profitable Subjects
Sure Mercies of David
1. Introductory Remarks
2. Mercies of the Covenant
3. The Way in which Covenant Mercies are made sure
4. The Manner in which Covenant Mercies are confirmed
5. The Medium through which the Sure Mercies of David are conveyed
6. The Sure Mercies of David furnish a Confutation of Errors
7. The Sure Mercies of David considered as contributing Instruction
8. These Sure Mercies supply Materials for Self-Examination
9. Covenant Mercies tend to produce Conviction
10. These Mercies deserve Consideration, and should excite in all a Solicitude to obtain them
11. The Sure Mercies of David suggest various Directions
12. The Sure Mercies of David are calculated to encourage Believers, and to excite their Gratitude
Oliver Heywood (1629-1702) was born in March 1629, the son of Richard and Alice Heywood, in Little Lever, in the parish of Bolton. He was named for his grandfather, and was the fourth of nine children. He entered Trinity College, Cambridge, on July 9, 1647, from where he received his bachelor's degree. He began his ministry at Coley chapel in the parish of Halifax in 1650, and was ordained as a Presbyterian there in 1652.
Oliver Heywood married Elizabeth Angier on April 25, 1655. From this union came three sons: John, Eliezer, and Nathaniel, who lived bu a short time. His wife, who was never very well, died on May 26, 1661. He remained a widower for over six years, before marrying Abigail Compton on June 27, 1667. Heywood was ejected in 1662 by the Act of Uniformity from his church in Halifax, but continued to preach for which he was excommunicated from the Church of England. He died May 4, 1702. His collected works fill five volumes.