Bridges, Charles
‘We always get something out of Greenhill whenever we refer to him. He had not, of course, the critical skill of the present day, but his spiritual insight was keen. He rather commented on a passage than expounded it.’ — C.H. Spurgeon
Greenhill on Ezekiel, first published in five quarto volumes, constitutes one of the foremost of Puritan works in Old Testament exposition. Delivered to crowded congregations in the city of London, the content is popular and in the best seventeenth century tradition of experimental preaching which spoke to heart and conscience as well as the mind. It would be too much to say that Greenhill provides everything necessary for an understanding of this prophet but what he does give surely justified two nineteenth century editions. It is the best of these editions which is here reprinted.
About the Author
William Greenhill (1598–1671) was member of the Westminster Assembly and a prominent preacher among Congregationalists. Several of his works have been reprinted by Soli Deo Gloria Publications.