Smith, Dale
Classic Reformed Theology Series, 5 Vols.
Series Description
This series seeks to produce and provide critical English translations of some of the more important but generally neglected texts of the orthodox period.
“This is an important project that promises to make available in good editions and translations a series of eminent works of Reformed theology from the era of orthodoxy. These volumes will offer students of the Reformed tradition an invaluable resource and will hopefully stimulate interest in the carefully defined and highly refined thought of an era that was formative of the Reformed faith and that assured its intellectual and spiritual vitality for later generations.” – Richard A. Muller, Calvin Theological Seminary
1. A Sketch of the Christian's Catechism (Ames)
Ames’s method in this book is not an analysis of the Catechism itself. Rather, he chooses a particular text of Scripture that supports the main thoughts for a given Lord’s Day. While the exposition is directly from the Bible, Ames’s doctrinal conclusions interact with the corresponding Questions and Answers of the Heidelberg Catechism.
"This new edition of Ames's Sketch of the Christian's Catechism is welcome indeed. William Ames, 'the learned doctor' of seventeenth-century Puritanism, was preeminently the teacher that showed Christianity as combining both doctrine and practical living. The new translation with historical introduction will be helpful to scholarly and general readers." - Keith L. Sprunger, Bethel College
2. An Exposition of the Apostles' Creed (Olevianus)
Olevianus’s Exposition of the Apostles’ Creed is a collection of sermons he preached on the basic articles of the Christian faith. It serves as a reminder that the Reformed tradition did not see itself as separate from the universal church, though it was principally opposed to Rome. Rather, Olevianus and his tradition argue for a Reformed catholicity rooted in the ancient confession of the church.
"Caspar Olevianus is a significant theologian and his exposition of the creed places him firmly in the great tradition of the church. Pre-eminent authorities on Olevianus, Clark and Bierma have combined to provide a wider readership access to this important source of our Reformed heritage. Clark’s detailed biographical introduction effectively sets the work in context, while Bierma’s excellent and readable translation is a welcome addition to the corpus of classic Reformed texts available in English." -Robert Letham, Wales Evangelical School of Theology
3. Concise Marrow of Christian Theology (Heidegger)
Heidegger’s Concise Marrow of Christian Theology acquaints English readers with a significant, though largely forgotten theologian and his efforts to secure a solid program for advancing in systematic theology. Concise Marrow displays the elementary points of all the main topics of dogma, forming a theological primer for beginners. It is characterized by succinct definitions and ample biblical support, apt for setting a good foundation and starting point for deeper theological reflection.
“Fresh, rich, and relevant are only a few of the qualities of Heidegger’s Concise Marrow as well as of the translation by Casey Carmichael and the introduction by Ryan Glomsrud. Finally a broader audience has access to this fine overview of classical Reformed theology from which the church today still can learn a lot.” — Herman Selderhuis, president of the Theological University of Apeldoorn
4. Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians (Rollock)
Rollock’s commentary on Ephesians earned him the praise not only of Theodore Beza but of the wider world of Reformed communities. This commentary was his first link to Geneva and thereby the broader international Reformed literature. Beza’s praise is well known: “I pray you, taken it to be spoken without flattery or partiality, that I never read or met with anything in this kind of interpretation more pithily, more elegantly, and so judiciously written: so as I could not contain myself, but must needs give thanks, as I ought, unto God, for this so necessary and so profitable a work.”
“Robert Rollock was known for his warm-hearted teaching and preaching in his day. It is cause for real gratitude to receive now Rollock’s comments on the warm-hearted book of Ephesians translated from his Latin into clear, modern English. This is not a long commentary, particularly by modern standards, but it is very solid and well worth consulting by anyone interested in the insights to be gleaned from our forefathers in the faith. It is the work, as noted, by a warm and passionate preacher and teacher, but also of one who makes clear and logical distinctions in his interpretive insights. Casey Carmichael, the translator, and the other folks responsible are to be sincerely commended for bringing Rollock’s Ephesians to us.” — S. M. Baugh, professor of New Testament, Westminster Seminary California
5. Justification by Faith Alone: Selected Writings from Theodore Beza, Amandus Polanus, and Francis Turretin
The texts in this volume begin and end with this same point. Composed under different circumstances by giants of the Reformed tradition—Theodore Beza (1519–1605), Amandus Polanus (1561–1610), and Francis Turretin (1623–87)—they represent genres of classical treatments of the same doctrine. Beza’s Defense of Justification by Faith Alone is polemical and in response to ecclesiastical controversy. Polanus’ Free Justification of Man the Sinner before God is systematic and the fruit of logical argumentation based on Scripture. Turretin’s Harmony of Paul and James on the Article of Justification is exegetical and in the form of an academic disputation. Each text explores aspects of justification from a different angle. Together they touch on a host of important theological concerns: the nature of faith, good works, sanctification, union with Christ, the Holy Spirit, hermeneutics, the unity of Scripture, and more. They are offered here in English translation for the first time.
“Five centuries after the Reformation, the doctrine of justification through faith alone still stands. Yet the material principle faces new challenges due to an array of contemporary revisionists. To answer those challenges, we need the tools ressourcement has to offer. Who better than the Reformed orthodox? Now English readers can look over the shoulders of Beza, Polanus, and Turretin to glean their exegetical and dogmatic wisdom. Thanks to Scott Clark and Casey Carmichael, we can now recover the orthodoxy of our Reformed fathers for the sake of renewing sola fide in the church today.”
—Matthew Barrett, professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, director of the Center for Classical Theology, editor in chief of Credo Magazine