Fluhrer, Gabriel N.E. (ed.)
John Calvin had a profound understanding of the atoning work of Christ. His writings are still one of the major sources scholars and others rely on to give insight into what was accomplished by Jesus on the cross.
In this book Robert Peterson first examines what Calvin says regarding the love of God, the Incarnation, and Christ's offices of prophet, priest and king. He goes on to consider Calvin's comments on other aspects of Christ's work: he is the second Adam, the victor, the substitute, the sacrifice and the example.
Robert Peterson is Professor of Systematic Theology at Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri.
"Calvin dealt with Christ's saving ministry, as with all other biblical themes, in a different way.... Dr. Peterson's monograph lays out the elements of this synthesis in a way that Calvin himself would certainly have approved. The task has not been tackled in print before in so adequate a manner, and this essay is something of a milestone. I commend it heartily, both as a fine contribution to modern Calvin studies and as a worthy presentation of insights into a central theme of scripture from one of the greatest Bible expositors of all time." - J. I. Packer, (1929 – 2020) Well known author & Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada
"Rather than fall into the trap of insisting on one 'theory' of the atonement, John Calvin recognised that the biblical teaching presents us with a multi-faceted jewel. His brilliant exposition stressed the many-sidedness and the profundity of the work of Christ. The great strength of Dr Robert Peterson's work lies in his grasps of Calvin's biblical vision and the clarity and enthusiasm with which he expounds it. Sixteen years after its first publication this revised edition of Calvin and the Atonement will be welcomed by a new generation of readers." - Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi