Beeke, Joel R.
Dr. Beeke offers a heartfelt and solemn plea for families to return to Biblical, consistent and passionate family worship.
With pastoral insight and care the author provides practical and valuable answers to the practice of family worship and at the same time addresses objections raised against it. In a world of impossible standards and idealism, this book is a helpful and motivating guide to implement or increase the depth of your family devotions.
Table of Contents:
1. Theological Foundations of Family Worship
2. The Duty of Family Worship
3. Implementing Family Worship
4. Objections Against Family Worship
5. Motivations for Family Worship
Appendix 1: The Directory for Family Worship
Appendix 2: John Paton Leaving Home
Series Description
The church must maintain the divinely ordered role of the family to establish a godly heritage. In the Family Guidance series, Dr. Joel R. Beeke offers pastoral insight and biblical direction for building strong Christian families.
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
“I strongly recommend a reading of this booklet, especially by parents who are here given a warm and convincing case for the value of family worship to their children and indeed for all the household.” —Rev. Maurice Roberts
Dr. Joel R. Beeke has given us a gold mine of seasoned counsel for this grossly neglected duty in modern-day Reformation. If heeded, these clear and practical directives will play a vital role in building not only happier Christian homes, but also, healthier churches—churches that will last for generations to come!” —Pastor Jerry Marcellino
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This book contains guidance on two important areas of family life.
First, it explains how we should prepare our families for public worship.
Second, it addresses the subject of prayer meetings, their importance and the scriptural warrant for them. Dr. Beeke's approach involves a sketch of the past uses of such practices and a detailed exposition, in such a way, that the reader can apply it to everyday living. This book will help a family focus the Sabbath wherein it can truly be a delight to the soul.
Table of Contents:
Listening to Sermons
1. The Importance of Preaching
2. Preparing for the Preached Word
3. Receiving the Preached Word
4. Practicing the Preached Word
Attending Prayer Meetings
5. The Need for Prayer Meetings
6. The Biblical Warrant for Prayer Meetings
7. The History of Prayer Meetings
8. The Purposes of Prayer Meetings
9. Implementing Prayer Meetings
10. The Importance of Prayer Meetings
Series Description
The church must maintain the divinely ordered role of the family to establish a godly heritage. In the Family Guidance series, Dr. Joel R. Beeke offers pastoral insight and biblical direction for building strong Christian families.
"In The Family at Church, Dr. Beeke has given us valuable and judicious advice about listening to preaching and the need for corporate prayer...This book is more of the same; rich in pastoral advice, timely in biblical focus, and warm in fervent exhortation." - Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas.
About the Author
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
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This book is packed with practical guidance on how to evangelize covenant children and how, by God’s grace, to make the home “a nursery for heaven.”
After showing that Christians today fail to understand the role of the covenant in their children’s lives, Joel R. Beeke offers insight on the covenant relationship between God and man, and its implications for home and family. He then teaches parents how to instruct their children in the gospel, with detailed guidelines on how to use prayer, family worship, teaching, conversation, and mentoring to evangelize children. Leading a child to Christ is a lengthy but hopeful journey in which parents must use God’s appointed means while depending radically upon the Holy Spirit to produce the desired result.
Table of Contents:
1. Understanding the Need
2. Teaching the Content of the Gospel
3. Using the Means
4. Concluding Applications
Appendix: A Loving Encouragement to Flee Worldliness
Series Description
The church must maintain the divinely ordered role of the family to establish a godly heritage. In the Family Guidance series, Dr. Joel R. Beeke offers pastoral insight and biblical direction for building strong Christian families.
"In Bringing the Gospel to Covenant Children, Joel R. Beeke writes with refreshing biblical clarity, giving parents the confidence to open the Bible and show their children Christ and His gospel on every page. Parents who love Christ and their children will not want to miss this clear, practical, confessional, and imminently biblical work on how Christ and His gospel alone transform our covenant children. There may not be a more important resource for every Christian parent to read and re-read as they evangelize and nurture covenant children in Christ.” - Douglas Bond.
About the Author
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.