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A Son is Revealed: Discovering Christ in the Gospel of Mark (Uprichard)

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Evangelical Press

Mark's Gospel is an action-packed eyewitness account in which Christ is sharply and uniquely portrayed. The contents of the story are similar to those of Matthew and Luke, but the presentation is very different. It is as though the life of Jesus is flashed before us through the zoom lens of a TV camera, capturing instance after instance of Jesus daily routine. The overall effect is one of growing wonder and astonishment.

In this splendid book, Dr Harry Uprichard keeps pace with John Mark's fast-moving account of the last years of Jesus of Nazareth. He sees that the meaning of his life and ministry is bound up with the question which runs through the whole narrative: "Who is Jesus, and what is his significance?" That is actually the most important question anyone could ever ask. Harry Uprichard is well equipped, both in scholarship and experience, to be a very sure-footed guide for those who are looking for the answer.