Barrett, Michael P.V.
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Some Christians find the Old Testament intimidating and irrelevant today because we are under a new and better covenant. In this book, Michael P. V. Barrett demonstrates how vitally important the Old Testament is. Instead of giving a systematic apology for the Old Testament, Barrett simply serves up fifty-two meditations on various passages, allowing us to taste and see how good the Old Testament is in light of Christ’s coming. You will learn how the Old Testament shows us God’s concern for true and spiritual worship, teaches us lessons in the life of faith, and reveals to us the glory of our Redeemer. A real feast for the soul!
Table of Contents:
1 Out of the Curse Comes Grace
2 Lessons in Saving Faith from Abraham
3 Lessons in the Life of Faith from Abraham
4 Lessons from Passover
5 God’s Way of Worship
6 God’s Presence in Worship
7 God’s Order in Worship
8 God’s Pictures of Worship
9 Dressed for Work
10 Two Fiery Sermons
11 The Heart of True Religion
12 Manasseh, the Real-Life Prodigal
13 A Paradigm for Worship
14 Focus of Worship
15 Formula for Worship
16 A Handbook and Hymnbook for Worship
17 Christ of Saving Faith
18 A Psalm for Christmas
19 Christ the Resolute Servant
20 An Easter Psalm
21 Divine Visitation
22 The Wonder of God’s Word
23 Christ the Suffering and Successful Savior
24 A Theology of Trouble
25 How Faith Looks at Life
26 Formula for Security
27 Christ the King and Priest
28 The Birth of Immanuel
29 The Kingship of Immanuel
30 The Work of Immanuel
31 Praise for Christ’s Birth
32 The Identity and Work of the Servant
33 The Servant as the Ideal Prophet
34 The Suffering Servant
35 Keeping the Sabbath
36 Good News
37 A Warning from Jeremiah
38 Efficacious Grace
39 Dry Bones: From Death to Life
40 A Warning from Ezekiel
41 A Story of Courage
42 A Story of Conversion
43 A Story of Condemnation
44 The Requirements of True Religion
45 The Song of Majesty
46 The God of Then Is the God of Now
47 A Picture Worth a Soul
48 The Triumphal Entry of Christ
49 What’s in a Name?
50 The Branch
51 Zechariah’s Revelation of Christ
52 The Sacrifice of the Shepherd
Michael P. V. Barrett is vice president for academic affairs, academic dean, and professor of Old Testament at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
“Michael Barrett has once again provided the church with an outstanding resource to help believers read the Old Testament for what it is—Christian Scripture. In fifty-two brief chapters, he surveys the revelation of the gospel from the first promise of a Redeemer in Genesis 3 to the proclamation of Messiah’s glory by the prophets. These pages provide the reader with theology that is both biblical and accessible. Discover in these pages the witness of the Old Testament to Jesus Christ, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption. Discover here wisdom for life!” — Rhett P. Dodson, senior pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, Hudson, Ohio