EBOOK What is Experiential Calvinism? - Cultivating Biblical Godliness Series - EBOOK (Hamilton)
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“There is no such thing as ‘dead Calvinism,’” writes author Ian Hamilton. Calvinism, simply put, is biblical Christianity. No mere human devised theological system, Calvinism is rooted in and shaped by God’s revelation in Holy Scripture. Hamilton asserts that Calvinism is “natively experiential.” In What Is Experiential Calvinism?, the author shows us that Calvinism is far richer and more profound than five points and helps us see that the lives and ministries of those who are true Calvinists pulse with living, Spirit-inspired, Christ-glorifying, God-centered truth.
Why Calvinism is Experiential
The Formative Principle of Experiential Calvinism
The Foundational Experience of Experiential Calvinism
The Fundamental Features of Experiential Calvinism
Series Description
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that what the church needs to do most all is “to begin herself to live the Christian life. If she did that, men and women would be crowding into our buildings. They would say, ‘What is the secret of this?’” As Christians, one of our greatest needs is for the Spirit of God to cultivate biblical godliness in us in order to put the beauty of Christ on display through us, all to the glory of the triune God. With this goal in mind, this series of booklets treats matters vital to Christian experience at a basic level. Each booklet addresses a specific question in order to inform the mind, warm the affections, and transform the whole person by the Spirit’s grace, so that the church may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.
Ian Hamilton is minister to Cambridge Presbyterian Church in Cambridge England and author of The Erosion of Calvinist Orthodoxy.
“It is not every Christian book (or booklet in this case) that you read and find that nearly every line and thought are gems that urge you to stop reading and ponder and worship the living God of grace! But this is such a book! In a short compass, Ian Hamilton has wonderfully captured the experiential heart of true Calvinism: ‘deeply affectional, God-centered, cross-magnifying.’ In a word, this is an essay deeply needed by all who call themselves Calvinists—and even all those who do not!” — Michael A. G. Haykin, professor of church history and biblical spirituality, and director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary