Bredenhof, Wes
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We with Our Children provides an enlightening, balanced, and detailed exposition of the Dutch Reformed ‘Form for the Administration of Baptism’. It guides the reader through all the potential landmines associated with baptism and provides us with a rich, edifying treatment of infant baptism.
Table of Contents:
1. The Doctrine of Baptism in General
- The Washing Away of Sins
- A God Full of Salvation
- When we are Baptized
- The Part Concerning God the Father - The Part Concerning God the Son
- The Part Concerning God the Holy Spirit - Gratitude
- The Acceptance of the Covenant
- An Eternal Covenant
2. The Doctrine of Infant Baptism in Particular - Abraham and the Congregation
- Peter’s Testimony
- The Covenant Promises
- Circumcision
- Christ Embracing the Children - Heirs of the Covenant
- The Duty of the Parents
3. The Prayer
- Incorporation into Christ
4. The Exhortation to the Parents - The Baptismal Questions
A. The First Baptismal Question
- The Second Baptismal Questions
- The Third Baptismal Question
5. The Administration of Baptism
- The Baptismal Formula
6. The Prayer of Thanksgiving
7. The Administration of Baptism to Adult Persons
- The Conditions for the Administration of Baptism to Adult Persons
- The Origin of the Form for the Administration of Baptism to Adult Persons - The Questions
- A Matter of Deep Significance
- A Personal Confession
8. Rebaptism
- Faith and Baptism
Appendix A: Baptism Form
Cornelis Harinckis a prolific author, has served several churches as minister in the Gereformeerde Gemeenten in The Netherlands over the past four decades, as well as the Netherlands Reformed Church of Franklin Lakes, New Jersey (1971-1974).
"This book provides us with a helpful, balanced, and detailed exposition of the Form for the Administration of Baptism. Rev. Harinck sure-footedly guides us through all the potential landmines associated with baptism and provides us with a rich, edifying exposition of paedobaptism." - Joel R. Beeke
“Cor Harinck has provided a clear and well-written exposition of the Dutch Reformed Form for the Administration of Baptism. He demonstrates that the authors of this form had a masterful grasp of Reformed covenant theology—an understanding that needs to be recovered. Reading this book yields a genuine appreciation for the fact that this form is a jewel among the Reformed liturgical forms.” — Bartel Elshout