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True Word for Tough Times (Davis)

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Bryntirion Press

True Word For Tough Times contains a series of five messages from Jeremiah given by Dale Ralph Davis at the Aberystwyth Conference in August 2010 from the book of Jeremiah. Those who were there on the occasion will recall the power and passion of this rich exposition of the Word of God. As he explains in the Preface, Dale Ralph Davis deliberately chose five passages that focussed on the ‘down’ aspect of the prophet’s message. He explains his choice of passages in these words: 

 “…they supply a healthy corrective to some of the flippant and flimsy optimism we meet in certain ‘Christian’ propaganda about the Christian life and ministry. My prayer is that a number of the Lord’s servants who are slogging on in the paths of righteousness will, by the Spirit’s chemistry, be strangely comforted by this tormented prophet and the ‘ruthless Warrior’ who stood at his side.”


Table of Contents:

  1. Astounding Word (Jeremiah 1)
  2. Can this Prophet be Saved? (Jeremiah 15:10-21)
  3. The Yoke is no Joke (Jeremaih 27-29)
  4. Jeremiah Burning (Jeremiah 37-39)
  5. Faithful Futility, a Pattern of Ministry (Jeremiah 40-45)



"True Word for Tough Times is clearly applicable for pastors and ministers, but also appropriate for disciples of Jesus in every walk of life. This little book is worth the chronological investment it takes to read (all of maybe two hours), and worth the cerebral and cardiac effort needed to prayerfully consider and cash in on its richness. It is encouraging, sobering, hopeful, challenging, unsettling, and strengthening. I highly recommend this book." - Dr. Michael Philliber in Evangelical Times