Chang, Ben
Seventy years ago the Reformed Fellowship, a very young organization, published its first magazine called Torch and Trumpet. Since then its name has been changed to The Outlook. The publication has been blessed to have had faithful editors, writers who have represented a broad group of Reformed churches, and board members who have come from Christian Reformed, United Reformed, Protestant Reformed, Presbyterian Church of America, and Orthodox Presbyterian churches.
In an early issue of Torch and Trumpet it was stated that the magazine’s “purpose is to give sharpened expression to [the Reformed] faith, stimulate the doctrinal sensitivity of those who profess this faith, help promote the spiritual welfare and purity of the Reformed churches, and further the interests of all Kingdom Institutions of Reformed caliber.”
Sad to say, many of the articles which have been published during those early years are collecting dust and have been forgotten. As we rejoice in God’s faithfulness, it is our desire to place before you only a small portion of the many articles which have been published during the first ten years. Choosing the articles that are included was difficult for there were many others that could have been reprinted.