The Wages of Spin: Critical Writings on Historic & Contemporary Evangelicalism (Trueman)
Do you have an opinion?
There is an increasing tendency in Evangelical circles to regard disagreement in our allegedly post-modern world as inherently oppressive. Too many people sit on the fence and ignore, or are unaware of, the fact that Christianity is an historical religion. As Laurence Peter once said "History repeats itself because nobody listens." The point of having a debate is not to have a debate and then agree to differ (sitting around in a mutually affirming love-fest) - the point of debate, as the Apostle Paul clearly demonstrates time and again in the book of Acts, is to establish which position is best.
Carl Trueman's intends to provoke you with this collection of essays into thinking for yourself and to have an opinion on THINGS THAT MATTER!
Table of Contents:
Part One: Evangelical Essays
1. Reckoning with the Past in an Anti-Historical Age
2. The Undoing of the Reformation?
3. Theology and the Church: Divorce or Remarriage?
4. The Princeton Trajectory on Scripture: A Clarification and a Proposal
5. The Glory of Christ: B.B. Warfield on Jesus of Nazareth
6. Is the Finnish Line a New Beginning?: A Critical Assessment of the Reading of Luther Offered by the Helsinki Circle
Part Two: Short, Sharp Shocks
1. The Importance of Evangelical Beliefs
2. What Can Miserable Christians Sing?
3. The Marcions Have Landed!
4. A Revolutionary Balancing Act Or: Why our Theology needs to be a Little Less Biblical
5. Boring Ourselves to Life
6. Why You Shouldn’t Buy the Big Issue
Postscript: Evangelicalism Through the Looking Glass – A Fairy Tale
"Essential reading even if some of the blows come home all too easily. The church needs this prophetic analysis of our self-centered churches and organizations." - Derek Thomas, Senior Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina
"Volumes of collected essays depend not on the topic so much as the author to draw our interest. I cannot think of a young evangelical writer and theologian whose works I more eagerly read than Carl Trueman." - Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and President, 9Marks.org, Washington, DC
Carl Trueman is the Paul Woolley Professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has contributed to the Dictionary of Historical Theology, the Dictionary of National Biography, The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology and the Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology.