The Psalter - Small
To provide a uniform metrical version of the Psalms for North America’s churches, and to win back lost territory for the cause of Psalmody, a bold initiative was launched by the Untied Presbyterian Church of North America in 1893. Representatives of nine denominations in the Untied States and Canada worked together to produce a new metrical version first published in 1905. Heavily reworked, the final text was published as the Joint Committee’s Version of 1909. Furnished with a rich array of tunes, The Psalter was finally published in 1912.
The Christian Reformed Church adopted The Psalter in 1914 for use in its churches and bound it together with its doctrinal standards, liturgy, and church order.
- Psalms
- Chorale Section
- Doxologies and Spiritual Songs
- Indexes
Doctrinal Standards, Liturgy and Church Order
- Introduction
- The Apostles' Creed
- The Nicene Creed
- The Athanasian Creed
- The (Beligic) Confession of Faith
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- The Compendium of the Christian Religion
- The Canons of Dort
- Index of Cross References to the Three Froms of Unity
- Order of Worship
- The Administration of Baptism
- Public Confession of Faith
- Confession of Guilt
- Excommunication from the Congregation
- Readmitting Excommunicated Perons
- The Administration of the Lord's Supper
- Oridination of the Ministers of God's Word
- Oridination of Elders and Deacons
- Installation of Professors of Theology
- Orderination of Missionaries
- Formula Of Subscription
- The Confirmation of Marriage
- The Consolation of the Sick
- Christian Prayers
- Church Order of Dort