Gatiss, Lee
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Dr Lee Gatiss is the Director of Church Society (www.churchsociety.org) and has served in several Anglican churches. He teaches church history at Wales Evangelical School of Theology and in Cambridge where he lives with his wife, Kerry, and their three children. He is the author/editor of about a dozen books, including For Us and For Our Salvation, and The NIV Proclamation Bible.
"Here is a steady flow of down-to-earth insights into cross- shaped living. Thank you, Lee Gatiss, for your wisdom."
- J. I. Packer, Board of Governors' Professor of Theology at Regent College in Vancouver
"This book of expositions by Lee Gatiss is an important reminder that, in our warranted zeal for the truth of penal substitution, we must not downplay or ignore the rich and full range of the achievements of the Cross, and its many applications to our lives. An important and edifying volume."
- Tim Keller, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
“Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures” lies at the heart of the gospel.But what exactly are these sins (plural)? Not only many, surely, but diverse, subtle, deceitful, harmful. If so, Christ’s death must be multivalent, deeper, richer, more adequate than merely a kind of mathematical exchange. If so, where do we begin? ‘ At Calvary’s cross is where you begin.’ And like John Bunyan’s Evangelist, Lee Gatiss and his book The Forgotten Cross will be good and reliable guides to help us do just that. I hope this book will be a real beginning of a larger view of Christ and his work for many readers."
- Sinclair B Ferguson, Senior Minister of the First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina