Kelly, Douglas F.
Douglas F. Kelly returns to the writings of saints and scholars to exemplify the beauty and the wonder of Christ, the Son of God, in this highly-anticipated second volume of systematic theology. Kelly delves through a treasure trove of Patristics, Scholastics, Reformers, Puritans, and Moderns to recover an Augustinian reverence for the beauty of Christ, to illustrate that the Father and the Spirit are most fully revealed through Him, and to make clear that His coming is the restoration of the universe.
Douglas F. Kelly is the Richard Jordan Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina.
"... Kelly's exposition of the biblical understanding of Christ's person and work is an outstanding contribution, and deserves to be read for its comprehensive treatment of what he acknowledges is an inexhaustible topic- God's grace and truth as these are revealed in Jesus Christ." - Cornellis P. Venema- Mid-American Journal of Theology
"The eagerly awaited second volume of Douglas Kelly's Systematic Theology does not disappoint. Reading this book is stimulating theologically and enriching spiritually. Preachers, teachers, and students alike-besides the proverbial intelligent layperson-cannot fail to benefit from it. This multi-volume project continues to be a fine achievement." - The Gospel Coalition
"Extremely satisfying, absorbing and so stimulating that I found it difficult to stop reading and re-reading it... The work is comprehensive, competent, Confessional, scholarly and pastoral but the pervading note of worship towards the Triune God in these pages evoked adoration, love and amazement on the part of this reader." - Eryl Davis, Head of Research, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales