Calvin, John
THE 1831 ADVERTISEMENT - In offering this selection of Sermons to the publick, the publisher has not been governed by Sectarian principles, but has selected Sermons upon various subjects, that the reader may understand the general doctrine held forth by this eminent divine. Calvin's Sermons were translated and published in England, about the year 1580; since which date we have no account of an edition having been published. In consequence of the imperfection of the English Language when these Sermons were formerly published, it was found necessary to revise them, and correct the language; but in so doing, particular care has been taken to preserve precisely the original meaning."
Biography of John Calvin (Extracted from John Mackenzie's Memoirs of the Life & Writings of Calvin)
SERMON 1 - 1 Timothy 3:16 "Great is the Mystery of Godliness: God Was Manifest in the Flesh"
SERMON 2 - 2 Timothy 1:8,9 "Be Not Ashamed of the Testimony of our Lord"
SERMON 3 - 2 Timothy 1:9,10 "The Appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ"
SERMON 4 - 2 Timothy 2:16-18 "Shun Profane and Vain Babblings"
SERMON 5 - Titus 1:15,16 "To the Defiled and Unbelieving Nothing is Pure"
SERMON 6 - 2 Timothy 2:19 "The Foundation of God Standeth Sure"
SERMON 7 - 1 Timothy 2:3-5 "There is One Mediator Between God and Man"
SERMON 8 - 1 Timothy 3:14,15 "The Pillar and Ground of the Truth"
SERMON 9 - 2 Timothy 3:16,17 "All Scripture Given By Inspiration of God"
SERMON 10 - 2 Timothy 2:20,21 "A Vessel Unto Honor, Sanctified, and Meet for the Master's Use"
SERMON 11 - Titus 1:7-9 "A Bishop Must be Blameless, as the Steward of God"
SERMON 12 - Titus 1:10-12 "There are Many Unruly and Vain Talkers whose Mouths Must be Stopped"
SERMON 13 - 1 Timothy 2:8 "I Will therefore that Men Pray Everywhere"
SERMON 14 - 1 Timothy 2:5,6 "The Man Christ Jesus Gave Himself a Ransom for All"
John Calvin (1509-1564) was a theological giant of the Protestant Reformation. A contemporary of Martin Luther, he had as much influence over this period of history as his German counterpart. In 1536 he published his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion, which was a systematic presentation of the Protestant position. His writings are still cherished and relevant today.
"Calvin's sermons from the Pastoral Epistles are rich indeed! In these sermons you see Calvin the pastor applying Scripture to his people, pointedly rebuking sin, warmly encouraging his people to resting the gospel, and calling for the evangelization of the nations. This is valuable reading." - Ray Van Neste, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Studies, Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Union University