EBOOK Growing Up In Grace: The Use of Means for Communion with God - EBOOK
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Christianity as possession is not simply an experience of salvation in the past, nor simply a status once for all bestowed. It is a high and holy vocation to be fulfilled in all who name Christ’s name. We dare not rest until we attain to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
This book addresses our consciences about the character of our Christian way. Is there credible godliness? Is there a deepening, growing relationship with our Lord? Is the Love of Jesus Christ constraining our behavior – love so amazing, so divine demanding our souls, our lives, and our all – and are we giving the Lord affectionate obedience in return?
Table of Contents:
1. Finding Happiness in Communion with God
2. The Grace of Humility
3. The Grace of Confession
4. The Grace of Repentance
5. Lord, Keep Me from All Sin
6. The Highest Motive of Repentance
7. The Price of Brokenness
8. How to Repent of Daily Sins
9. A Catalogue of Sins Too Seldom Confessed
10. The Grace of Prayer
11. A Guide for Personal Daily Prayer
12. The Grace of Law
13. Lay Your Gold in the Dust
Making the Most of this Book in Small Groups
Murray G. Brett has pastored Grace Baptist Church of Commerce, Georgia for twelve years (www.gracecommerce.org). He desires to be used of God to raise up able and faithful men to plant other experiential Reformed churches in Northeast Georgia and beyond, and to pass on a living heritage of experiential Reformed doctrine and life for future generations.
"Murray Brett has absorbed the best of Puritan wisdom on the matter of sanctification. In his own easy-to-read style, he applies that knowledge to the biblical subject of spiritual growth—and the result is an extremely potent book. Growing Up in Grace will be a wonderfully helpful resource for any Christian who wants to remain on track in the pursuit of Christlikeness and maturity." - John MacArthur
“The Christian life is an exciting and challenging life from beginning to end. We must grow spiritually and this means we must grow in the way the Bible lays down for us. Murray Brett seeks to show us this way by working through such things as humility, confession, repentance, and prayer.” Peter Jeffery
“This is not a self-help book. This is a self-exposure book. Without self-absorption laid bare, Murray leads us to look to God for the joy of our salvation. Each short chapter begins with Scripture, includes a helpful illustration, and follows with challenging questions. You will spend many hours meditating on the gifts and graces in a believer’s life of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.” – Wayne Roper