Owen, John
‘We are delicate and thin-skinned and wish all men to speak well of us, but we need to change our attitude if we intend to be disciples of Christ.’
There are two intended audiences for discourses on the Christian ministry: the pastor or elder who cares for the church, and his congregation who are called to willing and prayerful submission. In Gospel Ministry, a collection of nine sermons delivered in his fruitful later years, John Owen addresses both.
Whether expounding the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping the ministry, presenting the purposes of the church, savouring God’s care of his people, or warning against being ashamed of the gospel, Owen’s teaching is invaluable for any minister – or member – of the body of Christ.
The text of this edition has been updated for the modern reader.
JOHN OWEN (1616-1683) was probably the greatest systematic theologian of the British Puritans, yet such was his depth of Christian wisdom and discernment that he also excelled in pastoral and spiritual theology – in a balanced way, he addresses both mind and heart. Owen lived in a time of suffering, of terrible political divisions, of war and of plague that cost many lives and a time of church schism. Through all this he remained a respected figure, even though he was on the side of non-conformity against the established church.
“It is almost presumption to recommend any work by Dr. John Owen. All his works are of the greatest value and profit…” -- D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
“To master his works is to be a profound theologian” –C. H. Spurgeon
“It’s the sheer spirituality of Owen that is just compelling, absolutely compelling.” —Ian Hamilton