Holcomb, Justin & Lindsey
Justin and Lindsey Holcomb tackle the tough question “Where do babies come from?” in a common sense, biblical way.
This common question all too often leaves parents perplexed about what to say and when to say it. When children ask “where do babies come from?,” they ask because they are curious about where THEY came from. The question is not about sex.
The Holcombs, along with illustrator Trish Mahoney, help parents start the conversation with their children about reproduction by giving them the basic tools to guide them—including specific biblical content and age-appropriate ways of talking to children at different stages. Instead of leaving this conversation to “experts” or to the culture, they equip parents to answer questions about sex in the right way at the right time.
Drawing from the story of creation and how God made the living world to reproduce, God Made Babies helps children to understand the gift of reproduction in the light of God’s goodness and care.
Justin S. Holcomb, PhD, is a minister and professor of theology at Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He has authored, coauthored, or edited more than twenty books on numerous topics, including abuse, biblical studies, and theology. Justin and his wife, Lindsey, coauthored the award-winning children’s book God Made All of Me, God Made Me in His Image, and God Made Babies.
Lindsey A. Holcomb, MPH, works in non-profit development and is an advocate for survivors of abuse. She is a former case manager at a sexual assault crisis center and a domestic violence shelter and is the cofounder of REST (Real Escape from the Sex Trade). Lindsey is also the award-winning coauthor of God Made All of Me, God Made Me in His Image, God Made Babies, Is It My Fault?, and Rid of My Disgrace.
“A delightful and engaging book that captures the attention of young children who look out into their world and raise questions about the life surrounding them. The authors elegantly attend to the concrete world of their young reader and establish a refreshingly balanced view and foundation that relates faith with life, skillfully and clearly setting the stage for conversations about childbirth. Most importantly, the book creates a springboard for establishing positive and ongoing conversations for parents to speak with their children about sexuality.”
John T. Chirban, Clinical psychologist at Harvard Medical School at The Cambridge Health Alliance; professor of psychology emeritus, Hellenic College and Holy Cross School of Theology; author of How to Talk With Your Children about Sex and Collateral Damage: Guiding and Protecting Your Child through the Minefield of Divorce
“Yet again Justin and Lindsey have created a resource that guides parents and caregivers to spark the most important conversations with their kids. As God Made Babies helps you connect with your kids and establish a foundation for many more conversations, your own eyes will be lifted to a Creator who shaped and formed you in his image and for his purposes.”
David Robbins, President and CEO of FamilyLife
“Don’t let those precious conversations with your little ones get away from you because you’re not prepared, over prepared, or wishing it wasn’t time for ‘the talk.’ My friends Justin and Lindsey are masters at helping you tell your children what they need to hear. Pick up a few copies of this book to give to your friends and your pastor. And then read yours to your sweeties. You’ll be glad you did!”
Elyse Fitzpatrick,Author of Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus
“Now this is the ‘birds-and-the-bees’ book I wish I’d had as a kid—or as a parent of my four nearly grown children. Not only hitting the main biblical emphases, it’s really practical in answering the actual questions kids ask. God Made Babies is definitely best in its class.”
Michael Horton, Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary, California; author of The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way and Core Christianity