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Galatians - A Mentor Expository Commentary (McWilliams)

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Christian Focus Publications


While Dr. McWilliams' exposition of Galatians keeps in mind the various mischaracterizations of Paul's epistle that have become dominant, his purpose is not primarily polemical. The author sees Paul's paramount concern to be acceptance with God through the work of Christ. McWilliams affirms: "everywhere in every way Paul's concern is with the gospel; he is concerned with the personal salvation of sinners." Written principally, though not exclusively as an aid to preachers, Galatians is an exposition that is scholarly yet readable, combining the rare qualities of depth and brevity. Galatians is sent out to the reading public with the prayer that it might be used of God to extend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of justifying righteousness through the proclamation of free grace to sinners who need the message of salvation through Christ alone!

Mentor commentaries combine a high view of scripture with access to the latest academic theological research. This unique combination allows the reader to see what recent scholarly research has discovered without losing sight of the inerrancy of scripture.


"Yet another Galatians commentary? Here is one that makes a most welcome contribution in addressing a wide range of readers - pastors and teachers in the church, as well as many others interested in growing in their understanding of Paul's overall teaching and particularly of this important letter. Written against the background and reflecting a knowledgeable grasp of the scholarly debates, past and present, the author largely steers clear of those debates and remains focused throughout on tracing and expounding the apostle's argument for its own sake and with an eye to preaching. Having had the opportunity of reading this clear and gracefully written book during its production, I commend it most highly. Certainly it is one pastors ought to consider adding to theirs libraries."
Richard Gaffin, Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Pastor-Theologian David McWilliams has produced a preacher's commentary on Paul's epistle to the Galatians, that momentous announcement of the good news of righteousness and freedom in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone. Dr. McWilliams addresses interpretive issues with clarity and cogent discernment, and he engages recent misperceptions of Paul's central concern—which is not merely sociological or ecclesiastical, but soteriological (How may guilty sinners be reconciled to their holy Creator?)—all the while keeping in view the aim of preaching this good news of sovereign grace. The author's fresh translation of Galatians enables readers to experience the fervor of the apostle's passionate alarm for his spiritual children in Galatia as they flirted with eternal ruin, and the comment that supports the translation demonstrates that the issues addressed in Galatians are not matters for aloof theological conversation, but matters of life and death. I highly recommend this resource to my fellow-preachers of the good news of God's Son."
Dennis E. Johnson, Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary in California, Escondido, California

"Timely, lucid, and reliable, this is an excellent commentary for preachers, Bible study leaders and others. David McWilliams admirably succeeds in his aim for brevitas and claritas, the two qualities in commentators that Calvin most commended. He distils a great deal of scholarship into uncluttered and readable prose. Paul's message in Galatians has rarely been so urgently needed as today, when justification only by faith is under attack from many sides. McWilliams explains it with judicious care."
Robert Letham, Senior Tutor, Systematic & Historicial Theology, Wales Evangelical School of Theology, Bridgend, Wales

About the Author 

David McWilliams has been the senior pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church, Lakeland, Florida for 20 years. He has a passion for Christ-centred preaching and wished to apply the theology of the life of the church.