Bogosh, Christopher W.
In an age of scientific advancement and specialization, many Christians turn to medical professionals to direct them in stewardship of their bodies. While in many ways the advancements of medical science are a blessing, they are also largely driven by a secular mindset that, though it appears compassionate and to proclaim hope, is actually often subversive of genuine compassion and our hope in Christ.
In Compassionate Jesus, Christopher Bogosh calls Christians to examine the pervasive “prolong life at all costs” mentality against biblical principles of care and compassion that are rooted in Christ. This is a call to enter into medical situations trusting in God’s sovereign care and the power of prayer. It is hoped that this book will begin a long-needed discussion among Christians about how we relate to modern medicine, encouraging us to allow the gospel to inform the way we engage the healthcare system.
Table of Contents:
For Further Reading
Christopher W. Bogosh preaches and teaches regularly at New Hope Baptist Church in Saint Marys, Georgia, where he is a member. He is also a registered nurse at Community Hospice of Northeast Florida, serving as a clinical hospice liaison for Baptist Hospital and the surrounding community. Chris possesses a unique blend of medical and theological training, enabling him to engage the highly technical world of medical science while maintaining fidelity to the Scriptures.
“A growing number of Christians today are rethinking their approach to health and medical science, seeking a healthier and more faithful engagement. Christopher Bogosh is an important voice in that movement, and this book, Compassionate Jesus, offers much to consider and reconsider. — Rob Moll, author of The Art of Dying and Christianity Today editor-at-large
“My experience as a practicing physician and instructor of medical students at Michigan State University leads me to agree with Christopher Bogosh that modern medicine is not purely objective. While our secular medical educators acknowledge a spiritual component to the human body, they often relegate it to the realm of delusional thinking and do not give it much credibility as they instruct our future doctors. One of the areas largely impacted by this secular mindset is end-of-life care, and it is perhaps here that Bogosh’s sound biblical assessment is most important. Compassionate Jesus provides a necessary warning that calls Christians to take care not to naively rely upon all medical advice that offers hope for a cure.” — Anthony Van Grouw Jr., MD, long-time board member and chairman of the Christian Health Care Center, Wyckoff, N.J.