Elshout, Arie
Contrary to everyone’s expectation, Arie Elshout neither became a professional soccer player nor the financial administrator of the international shipping firm Van Ommeren (Rotterdam, the Netherlands). Instead, the Lord thrust him out into His vineyard, having called him to a special ministry.
Rev. Elshout’s gospel ministry would not only impact the Netherlands and North-America, but he would also be a devoted supporter of the mission work and youth ministry of the (Netherlands) Reformed Congregations.
His books about depression and/or burn-out, A Helping Hand and Overcoming Spiritual Depression have been “a word in season” to many within and outside of the denomination he served. He also played a significant role in the establishment of the Christian psychiatric hospital Bosch en Duin in the Netherlands.
However, to prepare him to minister to so many, the man Arie Elshout was led through difficult trials. This molded him to be God’s servant in speaking a word in season to needy souls.
The lives of Arie Elshout and his wife Elfriede were marked by many touching events, and even times of deep despair. Yet, in these circumstances, the Lord graciously delivered them—again and again.
Preface – Rev. C. Harinck
Translator’s Preface
Chapter 1: Peculiar Folk
Chapter 2: A Change of Direction
Chapter 3: In Exile
Chapter 4: Anxiety and Stress
Chapter 5: Destined for Each Other
Chapter 6: Number 742
Chapter 7: How Can This Be?
Chapter 8: He Hears the Needy When They Cry
Chapter 9: This Is the Lord’s Doing!
Chapter 10: “I Shall Go There…”
Chapter 11: Love and Tact
Chapter 12: Trusting in His Sender
Chapter 13: The Ends of the Earth
Chapter 14: “Be It unto Thee Even as Thou Wilt”
Chapter 15: The Long Road to Recovery
Chapter 16: The LORD Made Room
Chapter 17: The Spirit’s Work Encompasses All Kindred and Nations
Chapter 18: Covenant Faithfulness toward Zoetermeer
Chapter 19: A Step Back
Chapter 20: The End of the Journey
Chapter 21: And He Was Not, for God Took Him
Appendices—Two Sermons by Rev. A. Elshout
Sermon 1: Jesus or Barabbas (Luke 23:13–25)
Sermon 2: The Slaying of the Children in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:16–18)
Adriaan F. van Toor is the author of several biographies (e.g. Rev. G. Kuijt), and is a member of the editorial staff of the Dutch Reformed daily newspaper, Reformatorisch Dagblad.