A Treatise on Justification by Faith (Alexander)
Martin Luther said that the doctrine of justification by faith alone is the doctrine upon which the church stands or falls. This statement should give us pause to consider why this doctrine is so critical to the Christian life. Dr. Alexander presents a fine explanation of the various points related to this doctrine. His simple yet profound observation is this: "Was any heretic known to hold a sound doctrine of justification?" In much of the modern church in America, we see a wasteland of emotional experience and a lack of emphasis on doctrinal knowledge of the truth as revealed in Scripture. What we believe will and does impact how we act. If we truly believe our human effort merits anything before a holy God, we will soon lose hope. Hope in oneself is no hope at all. Christ alone and His righteousness is the rock upon which our salvation is anchored. Our hope must blossom upon the realization that our justification rests on Christ and His merit alone. This hope brings joy and peace as we experience the forgiveness of sin and the comprehension that we have been imputed into the righteousness of Christ. I commend this work to you, my dear brothers and sisters, as a potent remedy for many of the ailments we face as sojourners in this life. The major influence this doctrine has is, first, to move one to worship out of a deep gratitude for the One who so freely justifies sinners to Himself and who bore the wrath we deserve; second, to stir in one a desire to obediently follow Christ out of a deep love for Him; third, to give one a desire for missions to a dying and lost world. Dr. Alexander's work is a fine gift to the church. Let us not take such a blessing for granted, but rather let us study these docrines and testify of them, even as Paul said in his defense before King Agrippa and Festus, "I am not mad but speak the words of truth and reason." - Jon Eskola, Elder, Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church(BPC) Greeneville, TN.