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A Student's Guide to Justification (Meyer)

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Christian Focus Publications

Justification is part of the grand story of God’s love and salvation that is unfolded in the Bible. In it we see the very heart of God displayed: His steadfast love for sinners, His free mercy and grace, and His perfect justice. In this short book Greg Meyer explains what justification means – and how it applies to your life. By deepening your understanding of what Justification is and what it means for your life, you will find lasting comfort and joy. 

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Greg Meyer is a Pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He has served as a conference speaker with Reformed Youth Ministries, is a contributing author at Rooted Ministry, and blogs on his own site. Greg is married to Mary Jane and they have four children.



"Knowing that another generation can mine not only the theological significance of but the deeply pastoral encouragement of this great truth of the faith is enough to put a smile on the face of even the most cynical about tomorrow’s church." - Les Newsom, Lead Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Mississippi

"This short book is about being justified by faith. This is the central change in a person’s relation to the Lord God his Creator. This is a change due to His pure grace, from death to life with God. Such a change enables a needy person to be a faithful follower of God’s Son Jesus Christ. It brings him or her to have a trust in God, a heart of love for Him, and of hope to be in His eternal presence. So studying it and praying about it could turn the reader upside down." - Paul Helm, Emeritus Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London

"Greg Meyer is a wise, winsome, effective leader of youths and young adult. His knowledge of Scripture, joined with his knowledge of youth, make his the right person to teach young people the doctrine of justification and to explain why it matters." - Dan Doriani, Professor of Biblical Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary, St Louis, Missouri

"Justification … needs unpacking in such a way that students and other Christians can accessibly understand it. Greg Meyer does that good work in this book, and I commend it to you for your growth in grace and sense of assurance of salvation." - Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary

"We may be thankful to Greg Meyer for an engaging and accessible introduction to this important biblical teaching. His concise chapters, engaging questions, and helpful glossary will serve beginning and seasoned readers alike. Read … and arise grateful to God for His amazing grace!" - Guy Prentiss Waters, James M. Baird, Jr. Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi

"This may be the most important book you will ever read. Perhaps, like me, you will look back decades from now and recall a book that you read that pointed you to Jesus and the certainty of personal salvation. This book can do just that. That is my prayer for you." - Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister of Preaching and Teaching, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

"Greg Meyer has given us a tool we can use to instruct our students in one of the most foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. Use this book to launch your students into an awe–inspiring understanding of God’s amazing grace." - Walt Mueller, President, Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

"This book will help, comfort, and encourage the teens and youth pastors who read it; best of all, readers will love God more as they understand justification as the expression of God’s unfailing love for us." - Anna Meade Harris, Editor–in–Chief, Rooted Ministry Blog