Duncan, J. Ligon III
A Christian Worldview: Essays from a Reformed Perspective (Willborn)
The essays in this volume address some Worldview matters related to certain extremely germane topics Christian Face every day of their life. While they are of a more popular tenor, and are not highly technical or necessarily philosophical, they do speak seriously and ably to serious issues of our day.
Some of the topics will not surprise you. The near ubiquitous issues of informational technology and Islam are treated as most readers would expect. But, we also treat the reader to a few topics that may-although they really shouldn't-strike some as peculiar, namely Roman Catholicism and War. The opening chapter is an effort to provide a foundational framework for a Christian Worldview.
The entire book is application of a Christian Worldview to matters specifically 21st Century. Contributors include K. Scott Oliphant, George Grant, Anees Zaka, and Richard Phillips, among other fine scholars and pastors