Nielson, Jon & Duguid, Iain M.
A required biblical mark of every true follower of Jesus Christ is a faith that perseveres to the end. Yet, so many Christians today face the painful trials, difficulties, and adversities of our lives and question whether they can make it another day. This book is designed to allow the Old Testament heroes of our faith to stimulate enduring faithfulness to Christ in the lives of weary and hurting Christians through a careful examination of Hebrews 11.
Brian Croft is Senior Pastor of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky and is the Founder of Practical Shepherding. He is also Senior Fellow of the Mathena Center for Church Revitalization at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
“I rejoice in Brian Croft’s book because he reminds us from Hebrews 11 and 12 that OT saints, and Jesus supremely, trusted in God. They persevered in faith even when their circumstances seemed to scream out that God’s word was untrue. Pastor Croft gives feet and hands to faith, showing us what it looks like in everyday life. May we follow those who have gone before us in faith, so that we, like them, will win an eternal reward.” (from the foreword) —Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
"Taking the examples of men and women of God from Hebrews 11 as well as those who have modeled enduring faith in his own life and experience, Pastor Brian Croft gives practical, pastoral, biblical, and Christ-centered counsel to aid believers in persevering in the way. I highly recommend this resource to pastor and laymen alike." —Jim Savastio, Senior Pastor, The Reformed Baptist Church of Louisville
"It is not easy to hold fast. We see many faint and fall around us, and perhaps we wonder if we shall stand to the end. In this short and sweet treatment of Hebrews 11, Brian Croft encourages us to cling to God in Christ and so stand fast. Writing with sober yet joyful realism and with pastoral insight and earnestness, he defines the enduring faith of true believers before guiding us through the gallery of the faithful that the writer to the Hebrews has arrayed, pointing out for us that very faith in the lives of those who have gone before us, bringing us finally to the aweful, beautiful portrait of our Lord Christ. With plain and well-grounded exhortations, and with some particularly straight talking to Christ’s under-shepherds, Brian calls us to cultivate the same precious, enduring faith, showing us why we should and how we may so run as to last the course." — Jeremy Walker, Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley, England, Co-author of A Portrait of Paul
"Brian Croft is a faithful shepherd of souls and expositional preacher. These sermons, arising from that crucial context, will be valuable to other pastors and other believers in general who are hazarding their way to the Celestial City. Endurance is a theme often lacking in church discussion today but is one of immense pastoral importance. Croft’s book provides a timely, helpful, Christ-centered discussion of this important topic." — Ray Van Neste, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Director, R. C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee USA, www.rayvanneste.com