Peace, Martha
Some people think that only Christians can experience “real change” or “lasting change.” However, such observations don’t hold up in real life. Confusion about change often exists because our understanding of the nature of the heart is underdeveloped. Both unbelievers and believers can change their thoughts, desires, and choices, because doing so doesn’t require a change of heart. Only Christians, however, can experience change t at the deepest level of their humanity, as the Holy Spirit fundamentally changes them by renovating their hearts through the process of progressive sanctification. In this helpful book, Nate Brooks provides penetrating analysis and practical application.
Nate Brooks (PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as Assistant Professor of Christian Counseling at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He counsels at Courage Christian Counseling, focusing on abuse, trauma, grief, and other struggles related to loss and suffering. He has written for a variety of ministries, including the Biblical Counseling Coalition and The Gospel Coalition, and co-authored Help! Our Sex Life is Troubled by Past Abuse and contributed to Intro to Messy Care and Discipleship.
“Through sound doctrine and powerful illustration, Nate Brooks gives needed clarity to one of the most important concepts in all of biblical counseling.”
—Dave and Krista Dunham: Authors, Table for Two: Biblical Counseling for Eating Disorders
“Dr. Brooks provides clarifying categories of anthropology and sanctification in a way that sets the stage to better understand and help people.”
—Greg Gifford: Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Master’s University
“Brooks draws from common-sense reality and inerrant Scripture in order to provide readers a well-reasoned explanation of the types of change that occur within both Christians and their unbelieving neighbors. His delineation is convincing. His exegesis is compelling.”
—Jenny Solomon: Author, Reclaim Your Marriage