Sowable Word (Krol)
When the word of Christ falls on good soil, the results will astound. That’s why there’s a surprising glory in leading a group of ordinary people to simply open their Bibles, read what’s on the page, and discuss how God might use these words to change the world. Yet too many small group leaders hesitate to try such a method without professional guidance from a curriculum or study guide. This book will inspire and equip believers in Christ to lead fruitful and engaging small groups where God’s Word is read, discussed, and put to direct use to transform lives. This book will equip leaders to open the valve on this living water so thirsty souls can drink their fill.
Perhaps you’ve begun to learn how to study the Bible for yourself, and you’ve wondered whether you could competently lead others in Bible study. This book provides the vision and skills you need to start a group, develop good preparation habits, conduct a persuasive discussion, and shepherd group members through what they’re learning.
This book will serve lay leaders and Bible teachers who have any degree of experience. Some will gain confidence to lead their first Bible study that brings a neighbor to Christ. Others will learn to draw more deeply on the power of interaction, thereby overcoming their penchant for dominating conversations. All will discover the surprising glory and astounding fruit borne from leading a group of ordinary people to open their Bibles, read what’s on the page, and discuss how God might use these words to change the world.
“If you are looking for a simple and practical way to lead group Bible studies more effectively, this is it. Oftentimes, books on Bible study will either focus on the Bible part or group dynamics. In Sowable Word, Peter combines both. Get this book and use it yourself or give it to your small group leaders in your ministry or church. They will be glad you did.”
— Dr. Tim S Lane, President, Institute for Pastoral Care, and Tim Lane & Associates; author of Unstuck: A Nine-Step Journey to Change that Lasts“
“Sowable Word is Peter Krol’s great sequel to Knowable Word. Whether you are new to leading a Bible study or an old hand at it, this book will equip you with tools and encourage you with zeal to lead a group into the Word. Sowable Word is well-organized, biblical, thoughtful, seasoned, humble, practical, doable, readable and fresh — what more can you want from a book?”
— Tedd Tripp, pastor, author, and speaker
“Learning to live well in Christian community is the task of every believer. And for that, preparing men and women to assist others in the study of the Bible is essential. I know Peter Krol, and through him, some of the dozens of Bible teachers and small group leaders he has trained over the years. We owe him our thanks for Sowable Word. For in it, the confidence many need to begin leading others in the joyful study of God’s Word can be acquired.”
— David Helm, Senior Pastor, Christ Church Chicago; Chairman, The Charles Simeon Trust
“Sowable Word is a simple but powerful resource to give us practical help in studying the Word, then preparing and leading bible studies. Any believer who desires to dig deep and share biblical truths with others will benefit greatly from the guidance and skills Peter Krol gives us.”
— Steve Shadrach, Center for Mission Mobilization
“If you want to learn how to lead and write your own Bible studies, this book will help you do it. Peter Krol gives an accessible, practical guide for how to create a Bible study that people actually want to attend. The tools he puts forward are simple and effective. A novice leader will learn, and an experienced leader will be refined.”
— Colleen McFadden, Women’s Ministry Director, Trinity Community Church; Director of Women’s Workshops, Charles Simeon Trust
“So often I hear people referencing a Bible study of which they are a member reading through a book written about the Bible, not the Bible itself. I believe this is because many leaders today feel intimidated by teaching directly from God’s Word for a myriad of reasons. This is exactly why Sowable Word was written and is desperately needed. In it, Peter Krol gives biblical, practical, step-by-step wisdom to every level of Bible study leader. There is not one element of Bible study leadership that is left unconsidered in this thoughtful, easy-to-use guide. It should be on the shelf of every serious leader.”
— Vince Burens, CEO/President, The Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO)
“Peter Krol is persistent. He wants you and your friends to study the Bible together the most effective way. His website, Knowable Word, is a favorite of mine and I have recommended it and passed along his articles many times. Now, he has gathered up some of his wisdom and persistence about teaching Bible studies into a book to help us do just that, and do it well. Sowable Word?— by all means. Read it and do it.”
— Jim Elliff, Founder and President, Christian Communicators Worldwide
About the Author
Peter Krol has taught the Bible since 1996 both as a collegiate missionary and as an elder in both Presbyterian and Independent churches, and serves as President of DiscipleMakers (www.dm.org), a growing campus ministry of more than 20 chapters in Pennsylvania. He has spent decades studying and teaching the Scriptures—and instructing others how to do the same—all while constantly refining and improving his methods and techniques. Knowable Word and Sowable Word are the distillation of all his years of work in these vital areas. With each new year, he reads nothing but the Bible until he finishes the Bible — not because it makes God any happier with him, but because it makes him happier with God in Christ.