Ebenezer, Alun
Revelation is the last book in the Bible. It may appear at first to be a very difficult book to understand and full of puzzling symbols. But far from trying to confuse its readers, the purpose of Revelation was, and is, to comfort and give hope to people who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a letter (1. 4, 11; 22. 21), a prophecy (1. 3; 22.10, 18, 19) and a revelation (1.1).
As a letter it was intended for specific people at a specific time in history. In the letter the writer wants to comfort the church in its struggle against the forces of evil. He wants them to know that God sees their tears (7.17; 21:4); that their prayers are influential in world affairs (8.3, 4). He wants them to know that the death of their fellow Christians was precious in his sight and that the final victory of Jesus Christ and his people is assured (15.2). He wants them to know that Christ lives and reigns for ever; he governs the world in the interest of his church (5.7, 8); He is coming again to take his people to himself and live with them forever (21.22) and He is also with them now. (1.12-20)