Michael, Sally
Our Great God: Bible Verses to Remember (Michael)
Our Great God helps children understand how great and good God is and to remember Psalm 95:3: “For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.”
There are so many things to sing about—things that make us happy or excited, even things that make us sad. But the greatest reason to sing is when we think about God! God is a great God! Everything that we know and love about God should make us want to sing about him!
In Our Great God, Sally Michael helps parents to instruct the mind, engage the heart, and influence the will of their children as they learn a new scripture. Each page shows pictures and asks questions to engage preschoolers in understanding the verse. Repetition of the verse throughout the book helps children memorize the Bible verse (ESV) after just a few readings. Also included are pointers for helping children memorize scripture and suggestions for activities that will reinforce “Living by the Word.”
Sally Michael is a cofounder of Truth78 and has authored curricula and books marked by a passion for developing God-centered resources for the spiritual development of children. For 16 years, Sally served as minister for children at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota under the leadership of John Piper and of her husband, David. Sally and David live in Indianapolis, Indiana. They enjoy spending time with their daughter Kristi, daughter Amy and her husband Gary, and three grandchildren.
“As important as it is to help our young children memorize key Scripture verses, it also makes a big difference if they are led to think deeply and clearly about what those verses mean! This new series of short and attractive books, Bible Verses to Remember, helps parents and Christian workers accomplish both goals. They focus on verses that express truths central to our Christian faith and the questions and narrative show what these verses mean and how important they are to our lives. What a gift to our children!”
Bruce A. Ware, Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“These delightful little books are just the kind you’ll want to have on hand for your children or grandchildren. They will teach the children you love to know, honor, and trust our great God.”
Tim Challies, Author of Seasons of Sorrow
“Little minds grab on to memorized facts like glue! When life pounds away at the door of your child’s mind, this series will help them memorize Scripture to remind them of God’s love and care for years to come.”
Barbara Reaoch, Author of A Jesus Christmas and A Jesus Easter