Ferguson, Sinclair B.
‘The whole unfolding Let’s Study series is a must for every Christian home that is serious about getting to know the Word.’ — Covenanter Witness
Dennis Johnson has taught the book of Acts to seminary students for over twenty years. Here he leads the reader with clarity and insight through the amazing process by which Jesus’ words were fulfilled: ‘You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth’ (Acts 1:8).
Outline of the Book of Acts
Part 1: The Lord’s Word in Jerusalem (1:1-7:60)
1. The Risen Lord Commissions His Witnesses (1:1-11)
2. The Apostolic Number Restored (1:1-26)
3. The Lord Comes to His Temple (2:1-13)
4. The Rejected, Risen Christ Pours Out the Spirit (2:14-36)
5. Showers of the Spirit Bear Fruit (2:37-47)
6. The Lame Leaps (3:1-10)
7. The Glorified Servant Bestows Blessing (3:11-26)
8. The Name That saves (4:1-22)
9. Scripture-Formed, Christ-Centered Prayer (4:23-31)
10. Witness in Word and Deed (4:32-35)
11. The Spirit’s Dangerous Holiness (4:36-5:11)
12. The Terrifying Power That Makes Us Whole (5:12-16)
13. Obey God Rather than men (5:17-32)
14. Worthy to Suffer Dishonor (5:33-42)
15. Ministry of the Word and of Tables (6:1-7)
16. Witness in the Wisdom of the Spirit (6:8-15)
17. Promise, Rejection and Deliverance (7:1-16)
18. Moses, the Rejected Redeemer (7:17-43)
19. Murderers of the Righteous One (7:44-53)
20. A Witness to the Death (7:54-60)
Part 2: The Lord’s Word Dispersed to Judea and Samaria (8:1-12:25)
21. The Word Scattered as Seed (8:1-13)
22. The Free Gift of the Spirit (8:12-25)
23. Scripture and Grace Opened to an Outcast (8:26-40)
24. From Persecutor to Apostle (9:1-19a)
25. God’s Tale of Two Cities (9:19b-31)
26. Jesus Raises the Helpless (9:32-43)
27. God Speaks to a Gentile (10:1-8)
28. God Cleanses the Defiled (10:9-23a)
29. Peace to All Peoples through the Lord of All (10:23b-43)
30. The Gentile Pentecost (10:44-48)
31. Peter Answers Objections (11:1-18)
32. God’s Gift Exchange Unites Jews and Greeks (11:19-30)
33. Death and Deliverance (12:1-19a)
34. God Defends His Glory and Grows His Word (12:19b-25)
Part 3: The Lord’s Word to the End of the Earth
I. Asia and Greece (13:1-20:38)
35. Darkness and Daybreak (13:1-12)
36. Paul’s ‘Inaugural’ Sermon (13:13-43)
37. Jewish Rejection and Gentile Joy (13:44-52)
38. A City Divided (14:1-7)
39. The Living God Calls Pagans to Turn Around (14:8-20)
40. Mission Accomplished! (12:21-28)
41. Not Circumcision, but Faith (15:1-11)
42. James Cites Prophecies of the Gentiles’ Inclusion (15:12-21)
43. Encouragement for the Gentiles (15:22-35)
44. A Traumatic Argument (15:36-41)
45. The Gospel Crosses the Aegean (16:1-15)
46. Christ’s Prisoners Set Others Free (16:16-40)
47. Disturbers of the Peace (17:1-15)
48. Making Known the Unknown God (17:16-34)
49. Christianity at the Crossroads (18:1-17)
50. Travels and Teachers (18:18-28)
51. Christ’s Power Pierces Pagan Darkness (19:1-22)
52. The Camp of the Goddess Confounded (19:23-41)
53. Reunions and Farewells (20:1-12)
54. Charge to Watchmen and Shepherds (20:13-38)
II. Rome (21:1-28:31)
55. Paul’s Face Fixed Towards Jerusalem (21:1-16)
56. Chains in Jerusalem (21:17-36)
57. Paul’s Defense to the People of Israel (21:37-22:21)
58. The Rights of a Roman Citizen (22:22-29)
59. Paul’s Defense to the Leaders of Israel (22:30-23:11)
60. Assassins Thwarted (23:12-35)
61. Paul’s Defense to Governor Felix (24:1-27)
62. Paul Appeals to Caesar (25:1-12)
63. An Expert Consultant (25:13-27)
64. Paul’s Defense to King Agrippa (26:1-23)
65. The King’s Verdict (26:24-32
66. Good Advice Ignored (27:1-12)
67. Hope Amid the Storm (27:13-26)
68. Shipwreck and Salvation (27:27-44)
69. Snakebite and Hospitality (28:1-10)
70. Paul’s Unhindered Witness in Caesar’s City (28:11-21)
About the Author
Dennis E. Johnson (ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is professor of practical theology at Westminster Seminary California. He is also an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America and a contributor to numerous books and theological journals.