How to Evaluate Sermons (Beeke)
Table of Contents:
1. Did I preach as God's servant?
2. Did I preach to build God's church?
3. Did I preach my sermons with the precious material of Reformed experiential preaching?
4. Did I preach for the Master's reward?
5. Preach toward the finish line
6. Sermon evaluation chart
Joel R. Beeke (PhD, Westminster Seminary) is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan; editor of Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth; editorial director of Reformation Heritage Books; and a prolific author.
"Sunday evenings and Monday mornings can be terrible times for a preacher. As we reflect upon our sermons, what a jumble of conflicting feelings and thoughts swirl around our hearts and heads! Joel Beeke skilfully cuts through our emotional and intellectual confusion by providing a detailed and objective checklist with which to evaluate our sermons. this could transform your Sunday night and Monday mornings!" - David Murray
"A preacher needs to read some part of a book on preaching each month, more or less of it, to think about what he is saying and how his sermons might be made more lucid, interesting, warmer, more motivational, inspirational, convicting and glorifying to the Lord Jesus Christ - what a need to consider this awesome task, and what lasting fruit might come from every such endeavor. We can all improve as preachers. I have to feel that I am a growing preacher, and test such convictions by hearing other men I admire whose ministry is a consistent blessing to me and reading what they say about preaching. So it is that these words of my dear friend Joel Beeke have searched and encouraged me. they are fascinating, and I particularly liked them because they were not crushing words, rather sensible, winsome and practical. Thank God for them" - Geoff Thomas