HELP! My Teen Is Rebellious (Coats)
Dave & Judi Coats were stunned when their teenage daughter said to them, “You are not going to tell me what to do!” Struggles with their teens drove them to their knees in prayer and to the Word of God for answers about teenage rebellion. Here they share the truths they discovered, the practical advice that helped, and the hope they found in the power of the gospel and God’s grace to change.
Table of Contents:
- Identifying Different Kinds of Rebels
- The Rebel in Each of Us
- Responding to Rebellion
- It’s All about Discipleship
Dr. Dave Coats is head of Men’s Discipleship at Northland International University in Dunbar, Wisconsin.
His wife, Judi, chairs the English Department.
They have three grown children who are preparing for local church ministry and foreign missions.
"I wholeheartedly recommend this series of booklets by Day One!
- They explain the very real problems that people face in life from a solidly biblical perspective.
- They describe these problems experientially by using true stories and illustrations.
- They present the biblical solution to these problems, making it clear how God wants to solve them by changing the hearts of the people involved. These booklets accomplish this through Word-based, Gospel-driven applications to life and by encouraging people to make the changes that will enable them to walk in faith and obedience to Christ.
I will certainly use these booklets as homework for my counselees and will recommend them to my students." - Wayne Mack, Professor of Biblical Counseling at Grace School of Ministry in Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa, Member of the Academy in NANC, author of many books on Biblical Counseling and Christian life issues, www.noutheticmedia.com